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(2024年)功能菌 function bacteria英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-24 15:51:53


(2024年)功能菌 function bacteria英语短句 例句大全

功能菌,function bacteria

1)function bacteria功能菌

1.The combined technique is used in this paper, use the Simpson exponent and Shannon exponent to investigate the biodiversity of thefunction bacteria in.本研究正是采用了纯培养技术与分子生物学技术相结合的技术手段,利用Simpson指数和Shannon指数对沤麻液中功能菌群的生物多样性进行研究。


1.Screening and Domesticating of Highly Efficient Oil Degradating Bacteria and the Application in Bioremediation;石油降解功能菌的筛选,驯化及其应用

2.Acid water and alkaline water were applied in soybean soaking for sterilization.电生功能水具有迅速高效的杀菌能力。

3.it is a powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, an ti-viral agent.茶树油具有抗真菌、抗细菌和抗病毒的功能。

4.W photocatalyst tube with function of sterilization, de-odor, anti-germs and self-cleaning.玻纤式光触媒灯管,具有杀菌、臭、菌、净等功能。

5.It has the unique function of sterilization &kill acarid by ultraviolet and ozone radiation.具有紫外线杀菌功能,可高效驱除尘螨和细菌。

6.The Screen of the Functional Microbial Strains and the Study on Activities of Microbial Combination Communities;功能性微生物菌株的筛选及组合菌群活性研究

7.Function Analyses of the wxc Gene Cluster of Xanthomonas Campestris Pv.Campestris;野油菜黄单胞菌8004菌株wxc基因簇的功能分析

position Diversity of the Multifunctional Bacterium Community NSC-7多功能细菌复合系NSC-7的菌种组成多样性

9.Effect of Intestinal Flora and Cellular Immune Function in Patients with Posthepatitic Cirrhosis三联活菌对肝硬化肠道菌群及免疫功能的影响

munity Construction and Function of Soil Bacteria in A Forest Decomposed-hollow Stump Environment福州森林红壤细菌的菌群结构及其功能分析

11.the adjuvant action of certain bacteria某些细菌所造成的佐药功能作用

12.Function Research of Rv0901 Gene of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis;结核分枝杆菌Rv0901基因功能研究

13.Ecological Process Studies on Functional Bacterial Groups in the Sea;海洋典型功能细菌群的生态过程研究

14.Studies on the Functions of Rho GTPases in Magnaporthe Grisea;稻瘟病菌Rho族GTP酶功能分析

15.Structure and Function of Hydrogen Producing-Ethanologens Community;产氢—产乙醇细菌群落结构与功能研究

16.Gene Cloning and Function Clarification of Activator Protein from Magnaporthe Griesea.;稻瘟菌激活蛋白基因克隆及功能解析

17.Cloning and Functional Analysis of MGTA1 Gene in Magnaporthe Grisea;稻瘟病菌MGTA1基因的克隆与功能分析

18.Research on the Function of Yersiniae High-pathogenicity Island in Enteroaggregative Escherichia Coli;EAggEC携带的耶尔森菌HPI毒力的功能研究


bacteria of biodegradation功能菌

1.Study on screeningbacteria of biodegradation of coking wastewater and testing their activity;焦化废水功能菌的筛选和过程探索

3)function microbe功能菌

1.We applied the dried active pit mudfunction microbe for production of fermentation pit mud.将脱水活性窖泥功能菌应用于窖泥的培养和窖池的养护 ,可以显著提高浓香型白酒的典型特征 ,延缓窖泥的退化 ,使原酒优质品 (己酸乙酯含量≥ 30 0mg/L ,乳酸乙酯含量≤ 2 6 0mg/L ,酒精度≥ 6 5 % )率由 30 %提高到 81

4)double functions yeast双功能菌

5)functional bacterial strains功能菌株

1.A total of 40 arbitrary 10-mer oligonucleotide primers were screened on the genomic DNA of twofunctional bacterial strains and the control,the two strains were isolated from the fatty chemical waste water treating system,named FA-2,FA-3.用40条10碱基随机引物对油脂化工废水处理系统中分离到的降解脂肪酸和脂肪胺功能菌株FA 2,FA 3及对照菌株进行RAPD分析,筛选出长度为700bp的FA 2的特异性片段,并克隆到pMD18 T载体上。

2.The objectives of this study are to develop RAPD markers offunctional bacterial strains FA-2 isolated from the fatty chemical waste water treating system, and convert them into SCAR markers for detecting thefunctional bacterial strains.本论文以分离自油脂化工废水处理系统中的降解脂肪酸和脂肪胺功能菌株FA-2,及菌株FA-3、菌株1。

6)antimicrobial activity抗菌功能

1.Construction of recombinant prokaryotic expressing plasmid of HMGN2 and study on itsantimicrobial activity;HMGN2的重组表达质粒的构建及其抗菌功能研究


硫酸粘菌素 ,粘菌素,硫酸多粘菌素E药物名称:多粘菌素E英文名:Polymyxin E 别名: 多粘菌素E;可立斯丁;可刹迈仙干糖浆;硫酸抗敌素;硫酸粘菌素 ,粘菌素,硫酸多粘菌素E外文名:Colistin ,Polymyxin E 性状: 常用其硫酸盐,为白色或微黄色粉末;无臭或几乎无臭。有引湿性。在水中易溶,在乙醇中微溶,在丙酮、氯仿或乙醚中几乎不溶。 药理作用: 抗菌谱和体内过程与多粘菌素B相同。口服不吸收,用于治疗大肠杆菌性肠炎和对其它药物耐药的菌痢。外用于烧伤和外伤引起的绿脓杆菌局部感染和耳、眼等部位敏感菌感染。注射已少用。 适应症: 用于治疗大肠杆菌性肠炎和对其他药物耐药的菌痢。外用于烧伤和外伤引起的绿脓杆菌局部感染和耳、眼等部位敏感菌感染。注射已少用。 用量用法: 1.口服:成人1次50万~100万单位,1日3~4次。儿童1次量25万~50万单位,1日3~4次。重症时上述剂量可加倍。 2.外用:溶液剂每毫升含1万~5万单位,氯化钠注射液溶解。 注意事项: 1.可发生皮疹、瘙痒等过敏症状。胃肠道有恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、腹泻等不良反应。 2.孕妇慎用。 3.口服宜空腹给药。 规格: 片剂:每片50万;100万;300万单位。灭菌粉剂:每瓶100万单位,供制备溶液用(1mg=6500单位) 类别:抗生素
